School office: (09) 625 7307

Hillsborough Primary School

Grow Learners and Develop Citizens.

Our Board of Trustees

All of New Zealand's state schools have a board of trustees (BOT). The BOT is the Crown entity responsible for the governance of the school, and are accountable for the school’s performance. 

The BOT is responsible for determining the strategic direction in which the school is heading (in consultation with parents, staff and students). The board must also ensure that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.  Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

The Principal is the board's chief executive in relation to the school's control and management. The Principal is required to comply with the board's general policy directions; but has complete discretion to manage the school on a day to day basis.

Who is on the BOT?

At Hillsborough Primary School, our Board is made up of:

  • The Principal of the school
  • One elected staff representative
  • Five parent elected trustees
  • Co-opted trustees (as needed)

Trustees are elected by the parent community and staff members. Elections for new trustees are held every three years.  A by-election can occur at any stage in the 3 year election cycle if an elected trustee resigns from the board and thereby creates a casual vacancy.

Who are our Board of Trustees?

Board Chair - Bobby Bennett

  • Elected: August 2022
  • Connection: One son attending HPS and one enrolled to start in 2024
  • Key expertise and experience:  Bobby’s key expertise is around people and relationship management. In his role as a Regional Head of Client Success, it is his primary responsibility to be the conduit voice between various key stakeholders, while providing relevant advice and guidance. 

Treasurer - Shamubeel Eaqub

  • Elected: August 2022
  • Connection: two sons currently attending the school
  • Key expertise and experience: Shamubeel brings professional experience in financial analysis and public policy, as well as commercial governance experience. As Treasurer, he has responsibility to ensure sustainable finances for the school.

Property - Christine Cammell

  • Elected: August 2022
  • Connection: Two children currently attending HPS, Former Pupil at HPS 
  • Key expertise and experience:  Christine brings 20+ years of experience in both the health sector, and across the primary, secondary and tertiary education sector, working at both the front line working kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) with akonga (learners), and at a management and governance level too. She holds the Property, and Health and Safety Portfolios on the School Board of Trustees at HPS. 

Communications / Community - Bindya Naran

  • Elected: August 2022
  • Connection: One child currently attending HPS, and one child who was a previous student at HPS.
  • Key expertise and experience:  Bindiya has been part of the HPS Community since 2014 as a parent of a student, and for over 6 years as a member of the PTA, where she held the position of secretary.  She has experience in managing a Swimming Club with students ranging in age from 5 years to 16 years, and uses her skills in Sales, Marketing, People Management and Community work to assist her in her role on the Board.

Staff Rep - Patricia Carlyle

  • Elected: August 2022
  • Connection: Currently teaching at Hillsborough Primary in Kiwi team.
  • Key expertise and experience: Patricia’s key expertise is around supporting students to progress in their learning, working collaboratively with colleagues and forming partnerships with whanau.
  • Patricia has been a part of the Hillsborough staff since 2005. She brings over 25 years of experience working in both the secondary and primary sectors. Her role as a staff trustee is to bring a staff perspective to board decision making.

To contact the Board Chair please email:

What's happening at our school