School office: (09) 625 7307

Hillsborough Primary School

Grow Learners and Develop Citizens.

School Zone

 Below is a map showing our school zone. If you are unsure as to whether your address falls within this zone, please contact the school office.

Starting at the corner of 244 & 275 Hillsborough Road and Richardson Road, taking a line along and including Eaton Road, Olsen Road - including Prakash, Anahere and Karakia Lanes, Littlejohn Road, Melrose Road East, and Hayr Road to the corner of 39 Carr Road. Along Carr Road, Herd Road and onto Queenstown Road. Include Bel Air Drive. Then along and including 38 Beachcroft Ave to the corner of Arthur Street. Then take a direct line to the foreshore of the Manukau harbour, then around the foreshore to the land between Clifton Road and Aldersgate Road, then a line back to the corner of 244 & 275 Hillsborough Road and Richardson Road (including addresses in Clifton Road and streets off it, but not including Aldersgate Road. 

What's happening at our school